Sonoff L2 lite cannot be added to app after router change

I’ve got a rather annoying problem that I can’t seem to solve. I installed the Sonoff l2 lite RGB strip maybe 1 year or so ago. Its worked flawlessly up until 2 days ago. I’ve known my router an Asus AC3200 was starting to fail and so I took the plunge an purchased the Asus rt 88U Pro. So I spent a few hours reconfiguring every Sonoff product I’ve got and other IOT devices and the only one I cant reconnect is this light. The problem I’ve got is that it wont even connect via Bluetooth to get its WIFI settings. I can see it as a Bluetooth device it just wont connect. The app says “failed to connect” and an error code of 6310.
Any ideas?

Factory reset doesn’t help?

If a factory reset constitutes removing from the app then trying to re-add, then yes I have tried this. I’ve also left unpowered for many hours. The only other thing I’ve not done is tried another phone to pair. Maybe that’s my next step.

What happens when you hold the on button for 5 seconds?

Have you tried another way to set up? like the ap touch? There should be a compatible mode in the app to guide you.

I’ve tried another device today and I get the same error. It’s weird, I can put it into pairing using the remote and I can see the device in the app, but as soon as I click to add it I get the error. When i changed the router i even made sure that the new router had the same 2.4ghz ssid and password and the 5ghz and 2.4ghz channels are split. I cant believe changing the router would cause this to fail. All the other IOT devices connected straight away without no configuring.

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