Compare temperature between two TH16

I think something is lost in translation here. I can’t think of a reason why we wouldn’t want the auto scene to always check the status of their conditions, not just when the threshold is crossed (temperature crosses setpoint, or relay switches from one position to the other, etc). I have found two other forum posts that reference similar behavior where an auto scene doesn’t check for triggers when it’s enabled by another scene or when it has effective period time windows configured.

So I’m not really understanding why we would limit the capability of this auto scene, therefore I think this should be considered a bug and evaluated.

For what it is worth, I have built out another workaround that behaves the way we’re looking for!

My autoscenes are now enabled 24/7, no longer controlled by manual scenes, but I’ve added an & condition.

“pool is cold” if temp is <=85 & relay1 is on, turn relay3 off
“pool is hot” if temp is >=86 & relay1 is on, turn relay3 on
“spa is cold” if temp is <=100 & relay2 is on, turn relay3 off
“spa is hot” if temp is >=101 & relay2 is on, turn relay3 on

I modified manual scenes “pool mode” and “spa mode” to turn on these new relays 1 and 2 respectively (and turn them off respectively when switching from one mode to the other). Because of the extra relay condition, the autoscenes can remain enabled 24/7 and not conflict with each other.

This is the same concept as before, but since the autoscene is not being enabled/disabled by an external scene, it is constantly checking for a trigger and working as expected!

I’ll be curious to play with the new temperature comparison feature in 4.33.

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