Why these differences between Ultra and Panel Pro in iHost...?

All zigbee devices associated with Bridge Ultra are automatically imported into Ihost and synchronized, while those zigbee devices that are associated with Panel Pro and imported via Parel-sync cannot be synchronized. Why? …and why this different management?

THK for support :wink:

:warning: Firmware of all devices, all dockers and more are at the latest releases :slight_smile:

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Nspanel pro has performance issues. It can’t handle open API so paral-sync is not being developed right now.

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@ward …it seems strange to me that this is a limitation of the Ihost towards PanelPRO and not towards BridgeULTRA, also because on another system of mine in another house, I have another iHost with PanelPRO and this problem does not exist, that is, the devices synchronize. What to do?


A new paral sync add-on is on our schedule to resolve the issue.

