Trigger ihost scenes from smart devices

Hi to all, I don´t no why but the scenes from the smart devices today they estart to working. So thanks to all

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Chime’ing in to follow topic, I’ll read tonight.

I have carried out tests with a Sonoff Basic wi-fi switch and iHost. If there is not an internet connection access to eWeLink Cloud then the manual switch on the device will not trigger a eWeLink Cube iHost Scene. Without internet it is only possible to command the device to switch ON or OFF from the iHost Home Screen. The device switch will turn the device ON and OFF manually but the status will now be shown inaccurately on iHost. Without the internet access to eWeLink Cloud iHost can only send commands to wi-fi devices- one way (Simplex) communication. As your switches are based on the wi-fi switch I assume that is the same reason for the situation you have experienced. Sonoff still have some way to go to fully integrate iHost with eWeLink so that it can stand alone without needing an internet eWeLink Cloud Connection.

This is my post from 6 June 2024- Para 4) describes very similar problem to what you have noticed:
I’ve just carried out a further tests with a Sonoff Basic R2 wifi switch and TH10 wifi temperature humidity switch without internet connected using iHost and found.

  1. When the switch is powered up it will physically set its relay to the start up ON or OFF condition defined in settings but it does not communicate the condition to the iHost home screen.
  2. If the manual push button on the switch is pressed it will toggle the relay between ON and OFF but as in 1) it does not communicate the condition to the iHost home screen.
  3. If the iHost home screen soft button for the device is clicked on it will toggle the device relay ON and OFF and display the commanded condition.
  4. In an iHost scene where the device ON or OFF is the IF condition the scene will not run if the change of state is made by pressing the manual button on the switch.
  5. In an iHost scene where the device ON or OFF is the IF condition the scene will run if the change of state is made by a Manual Tap to Run Scene or an Auto Scene.
  6. In iHost using scenes with TRVZBs as “Masters” to control wifi switches as “Slaves” e.g. Heating- Set switch to ON/ Keeping- Set switch to OFF the scenes will still function when the Internet is disconnected.
  7. Sonoff TH10/16 WiFi does not report its sensor temperature and humidity information to iHost when the internet is disconnected.

From these tests it would seem that in iHost with internet disconnected the iHost can command the device without the device sending back any ACK or reporting its relay condition and other data back to iHost. Simplex Communication. Hopefully Sonoff will address this shortcoming in time.

From the foregoing it’s clear that there are certain scenarios when wifi devices should not be relied on to provide initiating functions in a system that is being designed to operate without the internet. With iHost In LAN mode but without access to the internet and eWeLink Cloud they seem to be reliable as “Slaves” but not reliable as “Masters” .