Switching back to DIY for security reasons

It seems somehow someone guessed our scene web hooks and is triggering our 4CHPROR3 switches, so we wanna disconnect them from the clound and trigger them manully thru our LAN only.

How can I switch 4chpror3 devices to local/diy mode? Can I do it over web while I still have them connected to EweLink (local IP access thru web browser does not seem to work though)?

Thank you


This sounds serious, if anyone else has the same issue, please reply here with details.

And have you checked if this is not a problem with the rf433 module. Apparently this device is susceptible to interference.

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Yeah. Doesn’t seem like rf problem. Outer rf issues are almost impossible due to distances and inner are almost non existing. When someone starts to play, it’s obvious he’s “pressing the buttons”.

Only thing is I think he/she has no idea where and to who he/she is pressing the buttons - so where the actual effect is.

Are these single state changes? Or do state changes occur multiple times?

If a problem occurs, disconnect the device from WiFi and see if the problem disappears.

Often, old scenes cause the problem. Unplug all devices from the power supply. Let them restart. Once they reconnect to the cloud, the problem may be solved.

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Guessing the URL is quite a challenge. If the addresses actually leaked, then either somewhere on your side has been penetrated or eWeLink has a hole. I don’t really believe in the chances of guessing, there is probably a leak somewhere.
This would require guessing about 31 characters of ID. To do this, you would need a lot of information. It is best to know the mechanism on which ewelink generates this data and then you can try to do the reverse.
Therefore, I have doubts about “guessing”…

Either your specific urls have leaked or ewelink has a serious security problem. Although at the moment I do not observe any anomalies with webhooks.
So either RF or a leak.

The first thing you can do is delete these webhooks and create new scenes with new urls and the second is to block the device from accessing the internet.
As a precaution, also change your account password.

Or as it has already been mentioned, these devices have an extremely serious problem with RF communication, where exactly the symptoms you have are occurring. And this may be the cause even despite your certainty that it is not RF.

As already said… Disconnect the device from the Internet completely and LAN. And observe, if it still happens, it must be RF.

The webhook only works when the device has a connection to the Internet and eWeLink servers. You can block the connection of this device on the router completely. Leaving traffic within the LAN should have no effect because the webhook will not work, although you can still operate the device, for example via the ewelink app in LAN mode.

Well, if RF is a problem, I could remove it from the board of each device, we don’t use rf at all.

But as soon as I disabled webhooks, I have no more issues.

So it can stay like this for now, but I would actually prefer moving devices to lan only and call API directly to switch them. That way I am totally safe and not reliable of the cloud, ewelink app or anytjing else.

I see. If you are sure it is a webhook then maybe create a new one and forget about the old ones. There is no chance that someone will guess twice. In such a situation someone has a big hole and a serious problem!