Support more matter devices

Kindly add more support to matter , i got motion and occupancy sensors , door sensors , energy and power sensors , and much more .

is there any plan to add those devices & functions at near future ?


There is!

The next support batch is expected to include Temp/RH sensors, contact sensors, and generic switches (both native Matter devices and bridged devices) for the eWeLink App & NSPanel Pro.

We will also optimize the overall experience when pairing a Matter device with the eWeLink app.

Many thanks , but when the support batch going to be relesed ? is there any way to join beta version for testing ?

Expect to be sometime next month. We has yet open up beta for the device; we will let you know when we launch such programs.

Thx for your interest.

I heard that you are testing the sonoff Zigbee Bridge matter device. Can you tell us what features this device will have? Will the device be dependent on the ewelink cloud, as is the case with nspanel pro?

I think Matt is doing this test now, eWeLink & Sonoff User Group | Did you know @sonoff_global has a Matter-compatible hub | Facebook


Sorry, I must clarify that I do not engage in testing Sonoff’s upcoming products, as they already have a dedicated test team for that purpose. Additionally, I am unable to expose any details regarding Sonoff’s upcoming product roadmap as an eWeLink staff.

Thanks for your understanding.


Thank you for the information.

oh my god…reconfigure everything again, re-pair devices again and rewrite scenes??? When will ewelink figure out how to bypass all these procedures so that everything can be moved from one hub to another one???

so instead of focus on ihost and nspanel pro to support matter then they create a new matter hub device ?

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:face_with_peeking_eye:I wonder what new things this device will bring to the sonoff family of devices

it will bring other types and brands and control them locally which will help for better automation and control

The world needs herpes and diarrhea more than ANOTHER Sonoff hub. The iHost and NS Panel need new firmware urgently, and all the company can come up with is ANOTHER hub made from iHost leftovers? To cannibalize the iHost? Earn some money on cloud services, spread the firmware development team even thinner? Someone is sniffing some funny s*** over there at Sonoff.

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