Sonoff zigbee bridge pro - all devices offline or not communicating

Hi, Well, I am a tinker. I tried ASUS’s mesh unit the XT version. Its good, but restarted itself too often. So, I caught a TP-Link DECO 75 on sale and bought that mesh unit.

These days best to buy mesh, because allows you to define your own multi-zone perimeter. Think of it like part of the Olympic rings symbol.

What I learned about the TP-Link sold me, after I was already installed. It has a feature that allows me to assign a specific device to one of the nodes. This is great. Because not only does TP-Link say the system supports 200 devices, it what it does not say that is equally important. It does not say, something like 50 or 100 per node. It is more flexible, it manages the devices better, but moving them to another node. HOWEVER, allowing ME, to assign a device to a physically closer node was even better. AND it STAYS put. It stays where I put it. That is a real plus to me. I’ve been through half a dozen good router system. This is only one I have seen that does that.

A tinker and a thinker. Two in one, man :slight_smile:

Sonoff SNZB-03 is a Zigbee device. What does it have to do with a (W)LAN router?!

First sir, I was referring in general to devices falling offline. And how WiFi devices might be reaching the router’s device limit. It happens and sneaks up on us. Many people don’t know to check that.
I was not talking about Zigbee device connecting directly to a router, since they connect to a bridge. I am sure you know that, don’t need me to point that out.

But why such a hostile tone to your post - to me?

Don’t know how I offended. But I don’t need to participate then. Good bye.

Goodbye and good night.

And what’s so strange about that? In my workshop, I look at, for example, the works of Arthur Schopenhauer as often as I do technical literature. I especially recommend his “The wisdsom of life” by the way :slight_smile:

Nothing. Nothing strange at all :stuck_out_tongue_winking_eye:
My mother’s neighbour had a similar approach to literature and technical matters when he modified his gas boiler. His house only partially collapsed :firecracker:

Well, everyone has personal life experiences and their own worldview, but I especially value contact with people with broad intellectual horizons who are not limited to one industry they have learned. I come from a country that experienced communism and in this system you could only count on yourself and, for example, we built our houses ourselves (and we still do it) without being professional builders and they didn’t collapse like your neighbor’s house :wink: For example, my neighbor teaches physics at the university and at home he carves wood, recently he gave me one of his creations (attached in the photo), for me it’s great, although it wasn’t made by a “professional carver”…

Who the f*ck does this depict? A thinker or a tinker? :scientist:

So there is any solution to this problem so far?

Which one you have on mind? :slight_smile: