Sonoff 4CHPROR3 random switch all channels

I tried 3 different devices and the problem was the same in all of them.
automatic turning on or off of channels.
No automation whatsoever. I add the device to eWeLink and the device turns on or off automatically after some time. I have only L and N 240V, no output.

My Sonoff is responding to my car key. Every time I open or close my car, all Sonoff channels switch on or off. I believe your problem is similar to mine. Tech support, what can I do about this?

The problem is RF433Mhz…
The easiest way is to return the purchased Sonoff and buy another brand. Or do what some people did in the thread.

Changing to alternative firmware probably won’t help either, because it looks like a hardware problem with the device in the newer batch.

Overall, a bad joke from Sonoff… :frowning: