hi, I have a swimming pool and 2 sonoff switches, the first for the pump , the second for the filterwashing
I wash the filter automatically with eweling twice a week for 2 minutes at 12:30h with an ewelink weekly timer
I decided to implement a “scene” where I say “if the SONOFFpump is OFF do not SonoffWASH the filter”
the question is: does the SCENE stop the WEEKLY timer or the WEEKLY timer does not care about the SCENE?
Be aware the scene runs from the cloud and is depended on you internet connection. (unless you store your scene’s in the iHost)
The timer program is stored on the device!
Yes, it is stored in the device, but only until it loses power. These settings are primarily stored in the cloud and when the device starts, it downloads them and will remember them without access to the cloud, but only until the power is lost, then these settings disappear from the device’s memory and must be downloaded from the cloud again. Such a small detail that can sometimes be forgotten.