OTA issue on eWeLink CUBE

After updating ihost to version 2.4.1, the update for SNZB-02D is still not displayed. The sensor has version 1.0.9.


what steps have you taken after the iHost update?

Hi. I pressed the pairing button on the snzb-02D device. I have enabled the update search in the snzb-02D device settings. I received information that the version is current.

What is the latest firmware version for SNZB-02D?

I have the same message as you (It’s also on 1.0.9 version)

when you connect to nspanel pro you will find that it is version 2.2.0

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Device: BASICZBr3
It’s always showing a message that device is not responding, but it’s online and I can trigger it remotely, so it’s online.

where did you get version 1.0.5 from? For BASICZBR3.
(my version is 0.2)

But I have the same error.

To be honest, I don’t know LOL

The only devices I managed to update the firmware were yesterday (3 light bulbs Philips) after installing CUBE 2.4.1

No other device receive the OTA update.

If I remember correctly, ZBMINIR and BASICZBR3 devices do not support the OTA function.

So iHost should show a message informing this, instead of “Device is not responding”.
By the way I’m not sure if that 0.2 or 1.0.5 versions are correct or it’s a random number :joy:

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