NSPanel Thermostat to Homekit

Hi everyone!
i am currently building a house and now I also want to use a smart Heater for underfloor heating in HomeKit. The NSPanel is perfect for that. Everything works well in the eWelink App. But I can’t add the “Heater” with homebridge to HomeKit. I only get the 2 Buttons and the Temperature as number in HomeKit. I want to control the temperature on the Panel and also on the HomeKit app. In case my girlfriend change the heating temperature on the Panel I also want to have the same status in HomeKit.
If it’s not necessary, I would like to keep the original software.
Is there maybe a way to buy one NSPanel Pro to get a Matter Bridge to add the normal NSPanel to HomeKit as Heater? Does it work?
Or did I need to build a platform with HA or iObroker?
Have anybody a solution for that case ?
Thanks a lot!
BR Lukas

Small addition: Would iHost be the solution with Homebridge? Is this how the NSPanel appears as a thermostat in Apple HomeKit?

is there anyone with a idea to get a smart Thermostat in Homekit?
Best regards

No, it shows as switch…

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