NSPanel thermostat inside google home

Make the NSPanel thermostat compatible with Google home or/and other ecosystems.

The device has the functionality of a thermostat right, why can’t we use it as a “smart” thermostat. The NSPanel is only recognised as a light switch in google home. It probably wouldn’t be easy to add a thermostat to a light switch, but could it appear as a “separat device” or something inside google home.
I want to tell google to set the temp to a certain temperature…


Thx for the feedback!

I’m turning it into a feature request so others can vote.


Its A great ideia… O smartthings too or alexa.


Hey, all

A quick update: the 3rd party integration team is arranging technical research on the feature. If everything goes well, it will be an official thing.

Same as this request:

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