NSPanel pro new v1.5.6 firmware: missing thermostat

Dear support,

During the NSpanel issue, I would like use my NSPanel Pro thermostat to control my central heater… But I found that this function is missing in the new firmware… Could you please let me know how I can change the thermostat settings in app or on the NSPanel pro?

Best regards,

Just updated too - got the same issu

I updated it and I have the same problem, I can’t configure anything on the thermostat, it has disappeared in the app and I can’t configure anything on the thermostat, I hope they hurry up a bit because it’s a pretty big problem

Nyitottam tegnap egy jegyet ezzel a problémával. Ma reggel jött egy üzenet, hogy csináljak videót a problémáról. De mikor beléptem az Ewelink alkalmazásba már ott volt a termosztát. Javaslom, hogy nyissatok jegyet, ahol meg kell adni az azonosítót. Ez alapján rendbe tudják tenni.

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I opened a ticket with this problem yesterday. I got a message this morning asking me to take a video about the problem. But when I entered the Ewelink application, the thermostat was already there. I recommend that you open a ticket where you have to enter your ID. Based on this, they can fix it.