I have 3 asus mesh routers.
4 wiz matter over WiFi lights.
An NSPanel pro with the latest version installed.
When I add the lights to one router the same router as the NSPanel pro and force them to be there the lights works better with the NSPanel pro, not good just better.
Is that a prerequisite to the lights working with NSPanel pro?
Another issue is that sometimes the NSPanel pro has to be restarted to work with the lights after loosing the connection sporadically.
I do not know is this is a you issue or a wiz issue och me an asus issue where they NSPanel pro looses the connection, but I believe the first issue that it’s works better with everything on the same mesh router you can fix by software.
Apple HomeKit does not have issues finding or loosing the connection to the wiz light ever.
The basic requirement for Matter is the devices and controllers (NSP Pro) must be on the same flat IPv6 local network. (NO VLAN is recommended)
Network issues could be messy; I can not tell if it is because of us or Wiz; since you have Apple, its hub could be a problem too sometimes, depending on its firmware behavior.
Different mesh systems have different settings. Can you tell us more about your routers/APs? A quick drawing would be good, too!
For instance, how do they connect? Via ethernet? or wireless mesh only; do they happen to enable DHCP servers for more than one unit?
I have given the devices a static ip numbers now and it seems to work better actually. I’ll get back to you if I have the issue, thanks for the support.
Still very shaky with WiFi devices, I think they should work better with matter.