Nspanel pro matter issues

Hi, still having problems with my nspanel pro, it does not not work with my network whatever I do.

I have put my router on 2.4ghz without 802.11 AX
I have given all devices static ips.
I have removed them from roaming in the network.

They work with both homey and HomeKit over matter.
They are wiz light and work with the wiz app over lan.

The only issue I have is with the nspanel pro where they show up in the beginning of resetting them or the network, but disappear later.

The nspanel pro sometimes just reboots itself.

Either I have a broken nspanel pro or the software is not we’ll developed at all. It’s a shame.

I have the latest version of the nspanel pro software.

You refer to ‘them’. What is ‘them’? What kind of devices are they?
Regarding NSPanel Pro and Matter support, I recommend reading How to Add and Control Matter Device by NSPanel Pro.
Which firmware version is installed on your NSPanel Pro?

That’s something serious, please submit feedback both on your NSPanel Pro and eWeLink app. And if possible, please add more info on what happened before the reboot in the feedback text box.

Can you tell us more? I see you mentioned Wiz, and how won’t they work with NSPro? Did they go offline?

If you are not on the latest firmware, please do update it, the recent one gets better performance in Matter.

The version I have now updated to after the first post is 3.7. Before that I had 3.6.2.

As it seems now after the update it is working, but i thought so last time aswell and then it stopped working.

I have wiz lightbulbs and a wiz switch.
no one is happier than me if it works.

I have been waiting for it to work for a long time so I can install it in my wall, and buy the new version.

I give it some time now and check if the issue is really fixed in 3.7.

Nopp still not working now it has dropped the wiz switch.

Did you enable the adb/developer mode? I had assumed my problem was related to enabling adb.

Also are any of your non-Sonoff/eWeLink devices a temperature sensor? Even when they work none of mine appear in the option to select one in the settings.

No I do not have developer mode on.