Device not working since V2.3.2 (PIR sensor)

Since two last versions I got issue with 3 of my pir sensors.
1 - Detection state always No motion and Battery state always unknow.

2 - After remove one and re add it. The device still not working and show nothing now.

3 - The pir devices are recognized as SNZB-03 but it is not SNZB-03 from Ewelink.

My pir devices is this one :

I’m now at version V2.3.3 and is the same. For information was working with version V2.3.0 if I remember good.
I have others pir from Sonoff and others manufacturers that work well.

Could you please check and help to solve the issue.
Thank you.

The explanation is simple. Your sensor uses firmware extracted from or created for the SNZB-03. Many sellers on Ali offer bizarre items that are cloned. Sometimes unspecified manufacturers copy the whole thing with almost complete accuracy. Sometimes they just use duplicated electronics. They can therefore be falsely identified.
Have you tried removing the problematic sensors from the setup and reconnecting them?

Hello @jam3,
Thanks for explanation.
Yes I remove device from system and then add it again. The result is worst. Is what I explain on item 2 of my message.
I have this pir since 1 year and work well until V2.3.2 update of Cube.
By the past the devices was not recognized as SNZB-03. Because I have SNZB-03P and by default I let all Sonoff devices names unchanged.

I don’t understand. How come that these PIR devices were recognized as SNZB if they hadn’t been before? Did you rename them? Try to be more specific.
Sorry to say but this is what happens when you buy devices of unknown and questionable origin. Sonoff may not be the pinnacle of technology but it has a relatively good reputation and there is someone to turn to with a problem. In future, don’t buy some crappy stuff. It is not significantly cheaper than branded equipment.

For the name maybe I changed it but not sure to be honest.
For the rest, I’m not ok with you. This pir is best of all I have test to be use outdoor with the lowest false detection and not cheaper.
The only thing that have a link with Sonoff devices is the compatibility with Ewelink (Ewelink support).
The device is basic pir with standard protocol. And should work like in the past before update.

It’s the problem still persist after upgrade to v2.3.3?

As you can see, compatibility is severely limited. What does the device manufacturer have to say about it? Oh, wait. It’s not known and it’s not clear how to get help, right?

Hello @SuiKa,
Yes still persiste. I have pair again this morning to check.

Please upload your system log via feedback or message.
We’ll look into it ASAP.

I have just submit the feedback with system log.

We didn’t received any log from your ticket.
Only some some descriptions:
“System log for forum discussion :
Device not working since V2.3.2 (PIR Senseor)

If you fail to send the log, please send it via google drive or one drive.

I send you DM with the gdrive link.
The file is about 70Mo

Got it.
We’ll look into it ASAP.

Perfect thank you very much.

Hi @SuiKa,
Big thanks to you and your team for the work on the release V2.3.4 that solve my issue.

Appreciate it. Very quick awesome. Thanks again.


By repairing I also got the battery level.

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