Can I stay logged in to eWeLink?

Hi, I have a Sonoff smart switch and use the eWeLink app to control it. Is there a way a can stay logged in. It’s frustrating having to keep inputting my password when I want to control the switch.

Thanks Daniel

Have you logged into the same account on more than one smart device?

Yes, my wife and I are using the same account, is the a problem?

eWeLink does not support multi-login, this will make you log in successfully on one phone and log out on the previous phone.
Maybe you can register one more account for your wife and get a better experience by Home sharing.

Oh I see, thank you, I will give that a go.

eWeLink does not support multi-login

And when will it start operating?
Setting up additional accounts is not very convenient if I have more devices (even a phone and a tablet). Artificial limitation to show more users.
If you really want to do it, do it only for PROs. Finally there will be a use for this pro.

So I setup a new account for my wife but we still have a problem.

Both accounts use a different email address but even then when I add the switch to my account it gets removed from my wife’s and vice versa.

It’s very frustrating. Can anyone help.

Can a single switch be used by more than one account or is it one switch - one account? If that is the case I will have to be a switch from a different manufacturer.

After you add devices to your account, you just need to share your home with your wife’s account.
You don’t need to add a device on her account, just share your home with her, and she will be able to control all of them.