Hi, I own 5 POW R2s and 2 POWs exactly because I need to monitor the energy consumprtion on several devices.
The last 1-2 weeks on 6 out of 7 I can’t see the power consumption (app->POW/POW2->Consumption->Daily Consumption) while on the one I can it’s like 1 out of 20 times…which defeats the purpose I bought them in the first place!
Screen captures available although I can’t see how I could attach them.
That wasn’t always the case, if there a problem with your implementation, something that you will fix in the near future?
Because honestly I am a bit hesitant to operate my switches with the LAN disabled (in case of problematic Wifi connection, problem with your servers etc.).
I am pretty sure I can’t choose the version I would like to install, the current is 4.26.1 and it’s been downloaded from the Playstore. Unless I can find the 4.25 apk from a reliable source, I can’t see how I could do that.
If I unistall the update chances are I’ll end up with a pretty old version.
You may have it but I don’t know nor trust this site. In fact I wouldn’t trust anything else other than the Playstore and the eWelink site to be quite honest but thanks for the info.
Thats is probably true. I have not used mine during the summer. I connected it this weekend and found that i could not download the consumption. When i press on the download button, it thinks for a while but nothing happens.
I have the same problem. The power consumption works only if I disable the LAN. This is on the ewelink app. Can that be displayed on the desktop version eWeLink Web? There I can see only the Power/Voltage/Current live.