Blank power consumption pages, no info whatsoever (POW and POW R2)

Hi there, may I know the version of the eWeLink app?

I have the same problem. web working. App is not.
Version 4.26.0 iOS. It was working a week ago on the old version of the App

v 4.21.1 from play store running on android

Also, look at pic bellow. In the past, with LAN ON, over a period of a month, 3 weeks ago, 3-4 times the daily power consumption was displayed. By pressing the down arrow on the top right of the screen an xls was downloaded with the power consumption values over that period. This does not happen now. The pic below is now displayed, the black icon is shown but nothing is downloaded.

I hope I have explained it clearly.

Sorry, v4.26.1 is running, not v 4.21.1

I was messing around with the app, trying to figure out if these issues could also be regional or not. So, once again I got a blank consumption page when my VPN was on and connected through german servers even though the LAN was disabled. When I connected through Belgium servers the consumption info was back again. With the VPN off (so through a Greek ISP in my case) the consumption info was available again.

There is still no way to download the xls report no matter what, which is pretty much what chbakol reported earlier. that’s with the latest version available on the Playstore (4.26.1).

Have you or anybody else got anything on this screen?

This is the most I can get on this.

I think it’s too short to get the data, below is mine hall lamp’s consumption

I think it’s what HeisenBerg. depending on the load, it might take some time to get a reading.

That’s a 100-150W load btw…

same here last month it was blank page. i got what i needed tru the webversion but stil this is disturbing to find out that you can tell you tennend what to be paying for power!
also the lan fuction disable helped for now but it is not comforting to know to loose control this simple for what? a update on a client side!
stop messing around programmers. dont try to fix somthing that isnt broken!

Can you see the daily consumption data (history) on the web version? How? I can only see the current value.

Tap the tile of the device to get into the setting page
and up right corner “status”, there you go

improve? like i can export the date with iftt and make autmatic bill?
please dont make it worse like last update.

Done it and it seems to work.
This is very good at first sight. Thank you!

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Today i noticed that the download function works again. Now i can both see consumption and download it.

I have version 4.26.2

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Yup, downloads work just fine with the latest official version.