Zigbee2MQTT... 2CUBE, why not?

iHost is a very good smart home hub, but it’s far from being an advanced hub, since even with the efforts of the eWeLink team, the Z2Cube is super limited compared to solutions like Zigbee2MQTT, ZHA and other hubs.

I would love the possibility of using custom third-party drivers in Zigbee2Cube, but since it doesn’t seem like a manufacturing vision, we could at least settle for the possibility of using Zigbee2MQTT by exporting devices directly to the Cube/iHost.

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I’ve been thinking about it.

From what I’ve seen, it would just be a matter of someone who understands programming making an addon for this.

For example, the Tasmota2cube addon, to receive more functions like temperature sensors, etc., it would just be someone who forked the project and implemented the desired modifications.

Since they have an API, etc., for those who know how to program it should be relatively simple, but it must be a lot of work.

Since the community here is sometimes very negative, I don’t think people were excited about this possibility of launching addons for iHost.

Another example of bringing products that are not available on iHost or in the Sonoff ecosystem would be to make an addon as if it were a type of LocalTuya (like there is on HA Homebrindge, etc.), with this you could bring products from another company.

I really don’t know if there is a technical limitation or something else.

I just don’t think there is a community interested in building addons yet.

Now that Docker accepts different repositories, new addons and so on may start to appear… It would be interesting.

Since all existing addons are created by ewelink’s DEvs.

It would be interesting to see addons from the community!

I believe that many problems could be solved!

Thanks for the explanation!

Any contributions from the community would be welcomed. As eWeLink CUBE grows and the OpenAPI perfects, we believe there will be more integrations coming.