Wrong Time on NSPanel Pro

Morning all
Not sure whether I need to raise a support ticket for this
On my NS Panel, the time synced perfectly with the correct local (UK) time
But on the new NSPanel Pro, the time on the display is completely different to the actual time.
How do I go about changing this?

I should have also said, is this going to be impact the Thermostat function. Iā€™ve set up timed schedules for day and night heating but if the time on the NSPanel is wrong, does that mean that it wonā€™t be switching on and off properly?

Hi Steve, thank you for your feedback. Please submit a support ticket with logs through the eWeLink App so that we can investigate this issue more thoroughly.

Hi Stephen
Thanks for reply. I can raise the support ticket. But how do I get ā€˜logsā€™ from the NS Panel?

Hi Steve, when submitting a ticket, please ensure that you select the option for ā€œuploading corresponding informationā€ so that the logs can be uploaded to the server for further investigation.

Hi Stephen
Iā€™ve just submitted a support ticket. But I canā€™t find any logs for the NSPanel Pro
Using the app, under device settings, the only option is security log and it says no data. I canā€™t see any other logs
Where can I find these please

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Hi there, have you submitted a support ticket? If you have, our customer support colleagues will provide you with more detailed assistance.
We appreciate your patience and understanding during this time.

Good morning all
I have updated my support request with Sonoff
The NS Panel Pro is showing a time 8 hours ahead of the correct time here in the UK. I presume that this is because itā€™s showing ā€œChinaā€ time rather than GMT (UK time).
Iā€™ve tried switching off and back on but I canā€™t see any way to correct the time settings.
Would that also mean that the wrong time also means that devices will be switching on and off at the wrong time rather than the times set up on the app?

Hi there, I have checked internally and found a ticket regarding the issue of incorrect time on NSPanel Pro. I suggest updating the firmware version to the latest one and checking if the issue still persists.
If you continue to experience the problem, please let us know and we will investigate further. Thank you for your patience and understanding.

Hi Stephen
Thanks for reply and checking on ticket.
I would love to upgrade to latest firmware - NS Panel is currently running 1.4.0 and I believe that there have been at least a couple of newer firmware releases since then.
But I am not being given the option to upgrade on the ewelink web portal. I have actually raised a ticket about this too but donā€™t have a useful answer.
Is there any way I can force a firmware upgrade before it is offered?

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Any progress on this I have exactly the same problem with the same firmware 1.4.0 which it states is the latest? THanks

No it isnt. Latest version is 2.1.0 for the pro. Contact support in order to solve your update issue, some ppl had same problem.

Hi all
Version 2.4.0 and all itā€™s working perfectly. Only be careful with the timezone in the PanelPro settings. After an update it changes to Shanghai
