Tuya Luminance CB3S Sensor on iHost

So you connect the tuya devices with tuya hub and can configure them with tuya app, and use the tuya hub+mqtt to keep everybody connected with iHost without losing the connection with tuya app, thats it? If so, do you have any instructions/help/wiki/howto link to make the tuya+mqtt+ihost config? :grimacing:


  • Sign on to Tuya Developer Platform (free, with many YouTube videos on this)
  • Use the node-red-contrib-tuya-devices node which has a step by step guide here
  • Install MQTT Explorer
    Take the step by step guide slowly as it doesn’t seem to respond very quickly and (very important and it’s not shown) in the step where you see the MQTT tab, open and give a name to the topic e.g.Tuya
    When it gets going you’ll see this on MQTT explorer. Do what you want to do with that!
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Thanks John! I will try this path and see what I get from from it.

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