Hi guys, I saw the latest iHost release (V2.4.2 [2025.01.16]) that added data graphics for more sensors in CAST and includes lots of types os sensors. But I am not finding any list with supported sensors, specially for Illuminance. Is there such list?
If not, do you know a simple illuminance sensor that works with ihost?
Check my answer on other discussion Tuya CB3S.
For instance, this one from Aqara
Ward, this is an interesting option. Is the zigbee2mqtt/zigbee2mqtt-armv7 on iHost/docker the one? Would you have a guide/tutorial for using zigbee2mqtt with iHost?
There is a virtual capability of Illuminance on the eWeLink Node Red palette. If you can connect anything that reads illumination to an eWeLink Palette (currently iHost and NSPP I think) you can connect it. For example, I have a weather station connected by LoRa to chirpstack that outputs MQTT messages automatically. I can then turn that illumination data into an illumination virtual device. There are all sorts of capabilities of virtual devices that don’t have pictures yet, like Rain Fall and Wind Speed.
I just referred to Z2M’s database, so you will know the exact model I was talking about.
I also would be interested if you could answer this - or confirm if it’s possible.
Thanks @ward
Are you adding a Zigbee dongle, such as the Sonoff Zigbee Dongle Plus E, to the USB port on the iHost or wanting to use the built in Zigbee? I think I’ve read of Home Assistant dockers being able to have a Zigbee network with an extra dongle but haven’t tested it.
No, I haven’t tried any dongle yet, as I’ve seen conflicting posts on this subject. Waiting to see if it can be done.
I think the question is, more than anything else, down to whether Zigbee2Mqtt can be installed reliably with docker on the iHost. Would like to ask @ward if he can inform us better here.
I literally just got a second dongle E and should be able to test this but the new one does not work. Currently talking to the seller but if the Silabs software can’t talk to it I doubt it can be solved and will need to be replaced.
I think my question was a bit confusing. What I was asking is how to use zigbee2mqtt with iHost. To run it, do I need to install the zigbee2mqtt/zigbee2mqtt-armv7 package that is listed on the iHost docker tab >> Add option? If so, is there a tutorial or some guide to make devices from z2m work with iHost and be shown together with native zigbee devices? I am not sure how this integration works
You can install a Z2M instance on any docker environment, but iHost won’t list connected devices like native ones.