SONOFF RE5V1C: How tu use the PIN IO2

Hi there,
please can you give me information on how to use the PIN IO2 to connect to a switch or to a sensor? Thank you.


I don’t understand the question which Pin of IO2. Please clarify the question.

I don’t think you need IO2 to connect with external switch:

I want to control the relay status by connecting IO2 to an external switch

I asked how to control the relay status with an external switch, such as the SONOFF MINI Extreme, using the s1, s2 pins. I thought this might be possible using IO2.
In the application manual it is written that the module “supports device button control”, but not in which way.

The only thing I could find for that PIN is this.


if you want to control RE5V1C with SONOFF MINI Extreme.

The create a scene to control the RE5V1C device depending on the on/off state of the mini extrime.

I mentioned the SONOFF MINI Extreme only as an example of what I intend to do with RE5V1C, i.e. control the relay status by an external switch.

When creating a scene for the RE5V1C, this relay can be controlled by the different status of other devices connected to the eWelink app.

Here you have power for the relay. measure the voltage. solder the external switch to the switch located on the RE5V1C device

Thanks a lot!

it would be useful to enable an input for RE5V1C trough a firmware upgrade. This way this device would be suitable for garage door openers for exaple. having the realy to action the monual opening button, and being able to connect a magnetic sensor to know the status of the door as an example.

Other use case if to connect water level floaters where you want to use low voltage. This would make RE5V1C a unique device.

Well said!

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