🚀 Share your ideas about eWeLink CUBE 2.0

I used to be a happy user of Home Assistant (HA), but now I’m tired of it failing every time I update something. I lost dozens of Zigbee devices yesterday while trying to fix 20 unresponsive Thread devices :triumph: Now I can not even turn off my light cuz I use detach mode for switches.

Maybe time to move on to a dumb IKEA hub. It’s just exhausting searching for solutions.

You bet :wink:

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At took a while after the reboot, but mine seems to work fine now!

A hen house automated? Very intriguing indeed :slight_smile:

These are merely appearances :grin:

So far those are the feedbacks:

  1. the update itself got stuck and I had to manually reset the iHost. I Waited the whole night but it was irresponsive. The manual reset (unplug power) was with the hope it wouldn’t brick my device

  2. very frequently (and even before this release) the cameras on both onvif and rtsp don’t load image and I have to reload the page multiple times. It is not even in infinite load the image, it simply shows an error message and that is it.

  3. I confess I was hopping for much more for this release given its a major one (from 1.x to 2.0) and the time it took. I understand your efforts with the internal improvements but people are getting very bothered by the slow speed. You should hire more developers, it seems to have very feel people working on it. It could start by a front-end developer to improve the overall look and feel, specially the cast for a more modern approach (look at how google home and alexa echo show does it, it is clean and with a good space usage. I personally don’t like this twitter bootstrapy visual).

I will return with more feedbacks as I navigate through.

Thank you

Sweet Jesus Stepping Christ! Hens in Heaven. Any smartwatches for them?

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Cracking Contraptions from Wallace and Gromit Made Real :upside_down_face:

Late to the hen smartwatch technology, I suppose.
Remote Activity Classification of Hens Using Wireless Body Mounted Sensors

Follow the attached log
logerro.txt (38.2 KB)

Another bug.
When i click on the upload icon button on android devices, the camera opens and not the gallery.
There is no way to load the icon

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Photo for the first bug

I already formatted it , it was working for 1h and now no SD car not appearing again… however it’s inserted. I have sandisk ultra 64gb but it’s also not showing up…

Have you tried stiffening the card in the slot with paper? Apparently they are loose…

It must be me! Can I have the old version back?

The update went through with no issues. Node red and file browser still work from the docker tab.

I seem to think that the web browser (FFox) tabs used to say ‘ihost’, ‘node red’ & ‘filebrowser’ – so you knew what you were getting. Now it’s just ‘ihost’ for every tab. Am I correct?

For me the devices page has gone backwards –
Before: Click on a switch and it changed state. Click on the bottom right corner (did it have ellipse?) to get to the expanded display and access to the options/setup. Click anywhere away from the expanded area and it was removed.
Now: Click anywhere on a device and up pops a ‘tile’ with the on/off and options/setup. Can’t click off the tile to get rid of it.

For power devices where have the totals gone? Adding up thirty numbers myself after clicking on each day to get the daily value – definitely error prone!

For switches, I did like the big buttons, with colour – easy to click on. Under the new scheme, I did think that clicking anywhere on a given switch row would have changed the state – no, you have to go the right side of the row and actually click on the switch to get it to move.
If you have any two channel switches try this: “turn on/off” to on – Result, both channels on. Turn both channels off – Result, “turn on/off” stays on. It’s the same issue going the other way as well. Potentially a confusing state of affairs. I seem to think that “turn on/off” in the old scheme was a better monitor. I have no three way switches, so can’t generalise.
Finally (for now) – custom icons, which may/may not be useful for you. However in the default set of icons are three icons for “temperature” & “humidity” & “temperature/humidity”. Why the first two?

Overall, IMHO I don’t think this update warrants the 2.0 tag – it just does not add enough (any?) new functionality.

Please send us the system log via here or feedback.

What resolution is your computer?
Our UI is designed for 1440px*900px.


Then it shouldn’t be a problem.
Here is my iHost on a computer with 2560px*1440px resolution.

As you can see it’s fully displayed.
What’s the display scale your coomputer and browser?

Browser scale is 100%.
The problem in frame.
Frame inside zoom to full scale as it be without frame and don’t calc spase left for new design leftside panel.
In scale 67% portal work correctly and all buttons draw.

This problem is not only my.
In TG chanel of sonoff.ru many people talk about it

The biggest problem is with the browser of mobile devices such as phones.
The page cannot be displayed correctly. optimization for mobile devices is needed.