I have a Zbridge-P with 10 devices connected. One of these devices is a S26R2ZB which is correctly seen as a smart plug. I’m trying now to add more devices to the bridge but that seems to be impossible. I know that 10 devices is the limit for my Zbridge-P but what about S26R2ZB router already in the net? Isn’t it working as a router? SNZB-02D I’m trying to pair seems to pair indeed (its wifi symbol stays on after a few seconds but no devices found in ewelink app).
Any suggestions?
To help users with understanding if a device is correctly seen as a router why don’t mark it clearly in ewelink app? I currently can’t see if my S26R2ZB is working as a router. As i see it in my app it’s just a simple smart plug. Not a single clue to show users if it is really operating as a router and how many devices (if any) are connected to it. That is really crazy!
S26R2ZB will extend the signal range, but it will not increase the number of end-devices that can be connected to your ZBridge-P
According to their website, it can manage up to 128 Zigbee Devices
There’s no distinction between router and signal range extender. All router devices are range extenders and “number of end devices” externders.
NOTE: ZB Bridge-P can connect 26 sub-devices directly (10 end devices + 16 routers, or 26 routers). If you want to connect to 128 sub-devices, routers are required, and one router-device can expand to connect 20-32 sub-devices.
SONOFF Zigbee Bridge Pro can work with the devices below:
Router: ZBMINI smart switch,S40 Lite ZB smart plug, S31 Lite ZB smart plug, S26R2ZB smart plug
End Device: ZBMINI-L smart switch, SNZB-01 switch, SNZB-02 Temp. and Hum. sensor, SNZB-03 motion sensor, SNZB-04 door/window sensor,SONOFF SNZB-02D
I have been deling with the router capabilities of the S26R2ZB, and in my case, none of my end devices was connecting to it, so it was not acting as a router correctly. I have read that may be because of the Zigbee signal strength, being very weak.
That said, I’m having excellent results with the new ZBMINIR2. It has excellent coverage (with turbo mode on) and many end devices are connected to it. If you can place it somewhere, and use it, give it a try!
I agree, I also had success with the zb micro version.
I also saw that ZBMINIR2 was installed in an electrical box with a cable (without a connected consumer) and used only as a repeater.
Thank you. I’ll try with a ZBMINIR2 I’ve already ordered. What bridge are you using? I’m asking you because I wonder how you can say that some devices are connected to your ZBMINIR2. Where can you see it? About my S26R2ZB I could add a new device to my net (11th) after restating my Zbbridge-p (disconnecting usb cable and reconnetting after a minute or so). I absolutely think that this device limit (10 for Zbbridge-p) and the ability to add further devices only with routers without really having any way to verify the real network connections (no net map, not any clues about what device is a router, if it’s working and connected to what) is really confusing. Not to mention that the 10 limit information is only available in the web if you search for it but not clearly mentioned in zigbee bridge manuals.
I have the zbridge-p. I know a device has bound to a router because I look at the rssi, and if it is the same as the router, I assume it is attached to it. With the s26 none of the devices was having a gods rssi, but when I added the zbminir2 I saw that the rssi of many of them improved and was the same rssi as the zbmini
I didn’t know about the 10 limit, it’s bad that it only shows in the Web (thought I have not read it anhwhere) and that there is no way to know which devices are attached to routers or bridge. There should be an option to see it