SonOff ZigBee Bridge Pro not not allowing topper more than 12 device.
I have bought 2 SonOff ZigBee Bridge Pro . One I could add 11 devices. Another I could add 12. Not anymore
Does anyone have similar experiences or known fix?
It supports adding up to 128 devices
for those can’t added devices, are they SONOFF zigbee products?
yes, all of them are Sonoff door sensors.
Documentation states, “Add up to 26 end devices and up to 128 devices in total for the gateway”
Found the following documentation from ITEAD product list. This is consistent with the behaviour I have seen. Without a Zigbee bridge added, its only 10 end devices.
NOTE: ZB Bridge-P can connect 26 sub-devices directly (10 end devices + 16 routers, or 26 routers). If you want to connect to 128 sub-devices, routers are required, and one router-device can expand to connect 20-32 sub-devices.
what devices are routers zigbee? do you now if ZBMINI Extreme L2 Zigbee is?
ZBMINI is a router, but ZBMINI-L or ZBMINI-L2 are not. They’re end devices. Other routers are, for example, S26R2ZB or Ikea’s Tradfri bulbs.
Most power operated devices may serve as ZigBee routers. However, you must be careful with those called “no neutral required” (like wall switches) because from technical point of view they’re not power operated (end devices).
Yes I have the same problem, new firmware and factory reset did not help paring more then 12 devices is failing and Bridge can find and paring is gonig to fail. Please help I am going to buy more that 50 TVRZB devices … need to sort this problem out before buy!
you need to purchase about 5 - 7 devices that act as a router. (e.g. MINIR2, BASICZBR3, SNZB-06P)