S-mate vs SNZB-01P scen

I recently found out that if I activate scene 1 using s-mate, the subsequent scene 2, which checks the status of the device from scene 1, is not activated.
but if I activate the same scenes using the SNZB-01P button everything goes fine.
does anyone have the same problem?

How are these scenes designed and what is the relationship between them?
Note that the S-MATE and SNZB-01 are devices operating in two different protocols and therefore their functionality is different.

I understand that the switch technology is different, but in the scene they appear as a separate trigger. it is not possible for the parachute to be different according to the type of launcher. a signal is still a signal

The first automation: If the Bedroom button is pressed, then Iza and Petr side lamps are toggled (reverse).
The second: If Iza and Petr side lamps are on, then wait 20 minutes and… there’s no any further step. You didn’t specify what happens after the wait period.
The third: If R5 (but no channel specified or is it?) is pressed, then Iza and Petr side lamps are toggled (reverse).
It looks like your parachute in the second instance has no reason to open. In the third, the launcher may have problems.

scene 1 a. trigger is controller R5 or s-mate action is reversal of bulbs state.

scene 2. monitors whether the light bulbs are switched on. if so it waits 20 minutes and turns off the lights. when the lights were turned on by scene 1a. so scene 2 will not be executed.

scene 1 b has trigger zb button. will rotate the state of the light bulbs.

when the bulbs are activated by scene 1b. scene 2 will be performed as planned.

This is not likely to achieve with eWeLink scenes. Only simple scenes are available. If you use iHost, go for Node RED.

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scene 1b +2 works fine. but scene 1a + 2 doesn’t work. I’m looking for a series and waiting for a response from technical support. both scenes are simple. both scenarios are the same but the difference is the attitude towards the launch.

Such complex conditions are not feasible within the eWeLink scene. This topic has already been discussed in the forum. Unless I am mistaken, eWeLink has no plans to change this and proposes to use NodeRED.

this is not a question of complex scenes, but that the same scenes work differently when they have different hardware as a trigger even though they are both buttons. since then, the forum is for discussion and notice of an obvious error. or a problem.

They don’t. You’re impression is wrong.

scene no.2 is poorly constructed. you don’t have a given action to perform after 20 minutes.

*After 20 minutes you need to add a manual scene that will turn off the devices from scene 1.

colleague @jam3 drew attention to this scene.

Scene 2 has nothing to do with the 1A. It is triggered by the state of the bedroom side lights, not by the R5 remote. Linking R5 to scene 2 is not correct.
If you want an off state after 20 minutes, create a manual scene and use ‘Tap to perform’ instead of ‘Wait’. This should work as expected, as @ociepa.ekotox pointed out.

You are not right, scene 2 continuously monitors the state of the lights and if there is a logical 1 on at least one, it will be executed. it’s so that timekeeping doesn’t have to be in every possible launch scene.
and as I say the problem is only when the activation of the lights comes from scene 1a. if the activation happens in scene 1b or in the app or on the website, everything is fine.
and the difference between scene 1A and scene 1B is only the switching element.
scene 1A = R5 or S-mate
Scene 1B = SNZB-01p

the problem is how ewelik accesses signals from different devices even though it should always be the same value.

creating a custom timer in every startup scene is a road to hell. it is then necessary to monitor the cause or direction of switching and treat them.

program branching and referring to previously created modules (scenes) is a common programming activity.

the scene (no.2) you presented is wrong. it cannot be saved in the application because there is an error. the delay cannot be at the end of the action to be performed.

no, it’s not a bad scene, of course it’s complete, but the whole action can’t be seen in the photo

Komplet foto

This changes things. Is the stage (No. 1A) working normally? Show us what the manual stage looks like.

it doesn’t change anything. the function of scene 2 was described above, and as you wrote yourself, it could not even be saved.
I don’t understand the question if scene 1A works normally, if you think that after pressing the buttons on R5 the bulbs will switch then yes.
I don’t understand how to show you the manual phases? what do you mean

it is marked. this is which scene?