RFbridge443 - scene function

Im sure there are plenty others wanting the sonoff system to work like an alarm… i currently have about six bridges with pir units linked to it, i have to enter the settings of each bridge everytime i want to “arm” or “disarm” my notifications.

If this can be done via scene/smart scene it would greatly improve how the system works…

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Rf bridge is a great device but it is side lined by zigbee stuff,i would also liked this feature,also i have suggested some features in new insight tab ,like arming and disarming from the tab

RF bridge is the best device EWELINK has, but they perhaps do not know or do not want to know.
competition IOT systems are better tahn this in many things except perhaps RF bridge.
RF bridge features woult to be optimzes for they to be competitive

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Local scenes are missing for perfection and happiness, unfortunately there is no chance of adding them to this device… :frowning:
Unfortunately, a bridge without access to the cloud becomes useless.