R3 Lite calibration bug

After the latest release v4. 28.1, R3 Lite asks the calibration procedure before each user input. The device is in the motor mode.
But this calibration settings is not available for this device.

Hi. This issue has been fixed in v4.29.0, please upgrade it when it shows available in Google Play.

I upgraded to 4.29 (manually, not via Google Play), and the problem is “fixed” - no offering to calibrate each time, but the slider is visible and does not work, nor there is a calibration settings for R3 Lite.

Is there a chance for R3 Lite devices (without the power consumption meter), to have the option for the percentage support with a calibration (e.g. to open to 50%, or to show the currently opened status)?

R3 Lite does not have the function of manual calibration. Besides, could you attach a video about the slider not working?

I have 5 devices R3 Lite and all behave the same as presented in this video:

Our team is checking this problem now, please wait a while.

We checked that the device does not support the sliding function in the firmware version 1.4.0. After the next App version is updated, the slider will no longer be displayed; after the firmware is upgraded to version 1.5.0, the sliding function will be available.

good morning.
with the new 1.5 firmware the slider works in the ewelink app but is not working with alexa. Also is not possible to open or close curtain with alexa. In the alexa app we have 3 modes (open, pause, close) but they are not working with vocal commands.
Please fix this. i bought 10 r3 dual lite and i m not able to use them.

Good morning!
The Dual R3 Lite does not have calibration, but is it still possible to use it on a curtain?