PRO PRO PRO PRO PRO NSPANEL PRO una vez existió otro chaval

As a good Spaniard that I am, in a place in La Mancha whose name I already remember, I bought the NSPanel scam NO NO NO PRO when the other one immediately came out and nothing to do with it, my question is, now that I bought the iHost it’s even worse At least I didn’t find anything to continue as a thermostat unless I make a thousand deceptions here and there, since that is not reliable and destabilizes the ecosystem, can someone help me if I throw it as far away as possible, since now it has They started calling themselves buttons hahaha they never put that in the beginning, but oh well.

1- Do I throw it away?
2 is there a way to use it from ihost as a thermostat and ewel or sonoff are going to worry about it a little, since it cost almost the same damn!!!

Thank you

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I understand that you are fighting windmills, as befits a good Spaniard from La Mancha, aren’t you? :sunglasses:

What would you like to achieve with your NSPanel (thais “NO NO NO PRO”)? Just asking because I don’t quite get it.

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Tengo unas preguntas que usas, el creador de escenas del ihost o usas node red. Igual con node red te da mas opciones. Yo no tengo el ns panel pro pero me gustaria tenerlo para controlarlo con node red.

Siento repetirme tanto con la enfermedad, pero es cierto que node red me encanta, pero no soy capaz de hacer que funcione nada, son cosas mias evientemente que hago mal

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[quote=“jam3, post:2, topic:26210, full:true”]
I understand that you are fighting windmills, as befits a good Spaniard from La Mancha, aren’t you? :sunglasses:

What would you like to achieve with your NSPanel (thais “NO NO NO PRO”)? Just asking because I don’t quite get it.

jajaja pues para n entender atacas demasiado, no soy manchego empezando por ahi, soy Extremeño algo mas rudo y bestia que los manchegos, lo que quieres decir que luchamos contra ruedas de molino, quizas tengas toda la razon, pero que no lo digan, que digan que nos han robado con el NSPanel,ya que cuando salio a la venta era termostato y lo de los botones swhicht casi no se nombraba ahora resulta que solo son botones, si yo solo quiero la veefdad, no mi enfermedad y lo qye me quede de vida, que no sigan mintiendome por favor, solo recordar cuando salio, la publividad que se le dio, para despues sacar el pro y todo era falso? o no? quizas el mas torpe de los informaticos extremeños podría solucionar eso, pero lo han olvidad y nada de enchife haajaja vamos que no puedas cambiar la foto, si eso lo se prgramar hasta yo por favor, solo pido eso jam3 respeto. y verdad, qye me queda poco, y discukpa por la tardanza pero n siempre puedo estar aqui.


Yo he seguido con los pasos que se necesitas para ponerlo en marcha con los tutoriales que hay aquí, y he conseguido sin tener conocimientos de node red ponerlo en marcha, también tienes videos en youtube lo único que he tenido que hacer es comprar un libro para poder entender un poco de javascript. Todo aquello que me limitaba con las escenas de ihost node red me lo a permitido hacer. Inténtalo por que merece la pena, solo necesitas el filebrowser para poder hacer las particiones y directorios como te indican e instalar en doker de node red, y luego hacer el token para que desde node red puedas programar, incluso si buscas información con telegram puedes hacer un control domotico via Telegram, no desistas cuesta un poco pero se puede. Por lo contrario mis padres si son manchegos, aunque yo sea mas del pueblo del PIL PIL jeje.

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Good colleague from Sonoff.

If you allow me to tutor, if you knew that every morning I get up, I try to be the engineer who facilitated the lives of your classmates and not with home attendees, Omron. The pity is that due to an accident and after 7 years already in complaints they do not find the root of the loss of many senses, including the cook, the compression written every day I carry it worse and several dactors that you will say, to my I do not care. Well yes, I wake up every morning wanting to be the one, people asking me to be the one who was and I after 34 kg lost that is the least, but I am not the one who was. Things that happen in life. Before 0 and 1 they ran years ago for my head, wages Not only have to use the programming or the PC, there is the marker and the board. Many philosophies left us the greats of Toyota the old Toyoda.

Thanks friend and as always every day for me it is a challenge with only 46 years and it is degenerative but I do not give up, but I see myself incapable here, perhaps sometimes things are entangled, this comes a lot of infomaticians, the engineers believe that I do not We did so much at least with my 0-1. But well I love Sonoff … ewe … IHO … a pity that I can not advance almost anything, two years ago I was already sick to Home Assis … From Thayl today I don’t know how to There or there, I am out of home and without control having YHOST that yes, do you do badly to the app.

all the best

From Extremadura hahaha even worse, well I don’t let go of the royo, but you can read the comment to the friend. Simply what I did before controlling the thermostat totally, which now simply comes as buttons, maybe this whole in video, but because of my illness I have nothing clear or encounter anything valid

Sube pantallazos o videos, con una explicacion delo que quieres hacer y te puedo ayudar o aconsejar, o donde cometes el error. Un saludo

Muchísimas gracias.
Ahora no me encuentro en casa debido precisamente a mi enfermedad.

En cuanto llegué lo haré millones de gracias por ofrecerte de corazón :call_me_hand:t2:

El El dom, 21 ene 2024 a las 2:24, Sintoxx via eWeLink Forum <> escribió: