Planificar consumos por equipo

Buenas chicos, estoy tratado de planificar el consumo de energia electrica en mi casa, por ello estoy tratando de ver como puedo tener una dispobibildad de consumo en un dia por equipo, se que con la parte de temporizador me funciona cuando es una sola vez que enciendo el equipo ; sin embargo cuando mis hijos prende y apagan el aire varias veces durante el dia NO ME FUNCIONA, me explico me gustaria usar el a/c 7 horas al dia de 24 hora. Alguien podria ayudarme?


There might be some translation twist but,

Are you trying to track consumption by family members?

Yes; Daily consumption per person/room/Equipment.
How can I do it?
This way I can plan my consumption.
eco green

Daily consumption per room/device can be achieved using group feature but it is hard to tell who consume how much energy of a specific devices.

I know how much the consumption is per room/person, I have equipment in each room.

I want to assign consumption in kW per equipment/per room.
When the person consumes X amount of kW, the equipment does not turn on.
thank you

If you want users who have access to the ewelink app to be counted?

Does the user only use the APP to turn on what they are monitoring?
Because if the user goes to the measuring equipment, for example the Sonoff Pow R3 and presses the button on it, the user will not be indicated.

These are variables that the application would not be able to control!

I believe that even in Home assistant it is difficult to make this limitation.


It is not supported yet using grouped consumption for triggers. But it is a useful feature and will pull a feature request to our team.