M5 matter two-way connection

Hello, I purchased two M5 Matter switches for a two-way (vavien) connection. Since two-way connections use only a single phase, I thought the M5 Matter switches wouldn’t work. Therefore, I plan to convert the two-way switches into standard independent switches by pulling a phase to the switch that currently doesn’t have one. This way, both switches will work, but will one turn off the light when the other turns it on? In other words, even though there won’t be a wired connection between them as in the two-way setup, can they—being smart switches—function like the Switchman R5, where one switch turns the light on and the other turns it off? I hope I’ve managed to explain it clearly, even if it’s a bit complex.

I don’t get it well. Do you mean 3 way connection? Such in stairs?

If so, here I use some Sonoff M5 with this method, but it isn’t easy. To do so, I use Home Assistant with Blueprint Shared On/Off State, which sync status from two devices. One Sonoff M5 act as a dumb switch and I have nothing connected directly into it. I also gave a feedback about this feature to iHost. Hope they implement it soon.

Another possibility is using Sonoff S-Mate connected into one Sonoff M5 to change status.

Sonoff could implement this feature directly into Sonoff M5, converting a switch button to a Scene button, or even implement a eWeLink Remote device into Sonoff M5 gateway to communicate to others.

I’m not using a home assistant, so I’m looking for a solution using 2 M5 Matter devices. Actually, if there were a 1 gang version of the Switchman R5 like the M5s, we could use it directly as a wall switch without needing any wiring.

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To make it simpler and solution-oriented, let me ask the question this way: There are 2 switches with a 2-way connection and 2 1gang M5 matters. Under these conditions, what needs to be done for one M5 matter to turn off the light while the other turns it on?

M5M doesn’t support Decouple - separate outer rocker and relay control, so the best option is M5M + R5

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Thank you. I wish there was a model of the R5 with 1-2 buttons; it would look like an M5 from the outside.

I don’t have a sonoff M5 Matter but I think you can do it with a scene. One device will control the other. Connect the bulb only to the first device. And the second device only to (L and N)