Is there really no Sonoff light sensor?

I still cant find app version 5.0 for IOS in Sweden. When will it be available

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Can you now see the ‘Update’ button on App Store for the eWeLink App version 5.0? Btw, please make sure your iOS version is newer than 11.

Yes it works. Thanks!

lör 7 okt. 2023 kl. 05:25 skrev Forum8618826101392 via eWeLink Forum <>:

I solved this by tweaking a simple adjustable light-triggered switch. It contains a simple relay triggered by the light intensity, but the relay sends power to its output. I simply cut off the copper plate around these contacts and soldered my own wires as an output and then it works as a dry switch. It leads to the input of Mini R2 where it triggers what I want.

Покажіть будь ласка яке саме реле ви використали. Я теж намагався задіяти реле з фото датчиком разом з міні. Але воно працює дуже погано. Я фоторезистор закріпляв на склі вікна. В періоди заходи чи світанку, інтенсивність світла від сонця плавно змінюється, і реле працює не коректно, воно за дуже короткий проміжок часу може дуже багато разів спрацювати, звук дуже не приємний, дуже тріщіть контактами. А ще коли день похмурий і хмари періодично закривають сонце, датчик починає теж на це реагувати - відбуваються хибні спрацьовування .
I bought the 220V variant

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I solved this by modifying a SNZB-01push button.
I’ve soldered a wire across the micro switch and with this I can trigger short or long press and configure corresponding messages to go out by app or e-mail.
I still wish there was a version of the wireless switch with an external connector for this.

Hello. Is there any news on this issue??? This device is perhaps one of the most necessary. For example, a flood sensor can be made, for example, from a door/window sensor by connecting a board with tracks to the reed switches. But a street sensor with fine adjustment of lighting doesn’t work. When switching to summer or winter time, when sunny days gradually increase or decrease, you have to repeatedly readjust the curtains and lighting. The sunset/sunrise function is not suitable.

You can consider using a cheap Android device that has a camera and is able to read light intensity and control it using MacroDroid. Although this solution is only for the interior, of course.

Or buy a better Tuya sensor and connect it to ewelink via

It seems to me that the phone is unlikely to be able to accurately recognize illumination in lux. How can I use a macrodroid to control devices in ewelink? Of course, I use a macrodroid, but for slightly different purposes. I intercept push messages from ewelink and voice them. If there was a targeted street product, it would allow the creation of local scenes, without the cloud.


SONOFF ZB03P and 06P have a built-in light sensor for basic ambiance detection:

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Hello. yes built in. but can this sensor be used separately as a trigger in scenarios with other devices? Well of course not. Does this sensor detect light sensitivity in lux? Of course not. So what’s the use of it??? A separate street device is required and there are no other alternatives and options!!! I don’t understand at all how it turned out that this basic device may not be in a smart home??? I don’t understand what’s the problem with creating it??? If you don’t want to create sonoff, then just make support for similar devices in ewelink. After all, there is already a practice where when support for some Sonoff devices comes out, then literally within a month other manufacturers release similar devices with ewelink support. A striking example is presence sensors.

The basic question is how can the functionality of the device be ruined so much?
Why, when adding a light sensor to the SNZB-06P SNZB-03P sensor, are components used that will not allow for measuring light and reporting their changes?

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With great precision. If the camera is of relatively good quality, MacroDroid has a very accurate recognition range.
Trigger / Sensors / Light Sensor
Measures in LUX(lx)

Inserting commands from MacroDroid into the ewelink ecosystem using a webhook. Or less nicely by touching a specific place in the ewelink application / browser + ewelink web / CAST app / CAST web.
An even more ugly way is to send an e-mail to sequematic and see ewelink’s response there.
This could be done without using the cloud. It will be ugly but… MacroDroid and clicking ewelink app/cast in LAN mode.

The whole thing can be done without any problems… It’s not as nice as a finished product that plugs itself into the ecosystem, but what can you do…