Just looking for advice, I recently purchased an iHost and hooked it up to by second router in my home, thinking I could change networks later.
I downloaded the docker apps and formated the TF card and activated the ewelink app.
I then tried to add it to my primary home network through Google home using the matter process but it wouldn’t add. I figured it needed to be on the primary network so I moved it and then it wouldn’t tie into that one and I couldn’t see the control screen any longer. I reset the device and still nothing.
I haven’t removed the TF card or deactivated the ewelink app plug in and then done a reset yet, thinking that may let me assign a new network to the device and let me pair it to google home.
As you can tell I’m new to zigbee and this sort of thing so any advice can be helpful and is appreciated .
You’ve messed up the narrative a bit, but we’ll try to straighten it out. Your iHost does not connect to LAN via WiFi. It connects via an Ethernet cable. It has nothing to do with Zigbee networking. Now some questions for you.
What does “primary” and what does “secondary” mean in your case?
You have two routers, yes? Are they connected to each other and how?
How do the routers access the WAN (internet)? Each individually or does one of them act as the primary?
How do you open the iHost interface page? Do you type in the IP address or the hostname? Do you use the app on your phone or eWeLink Web in your computer browser?
[Thanks I’ll try to answer your questions and clarify.
What does “primary” and what does “secondary” mean in your case?
We have a main router/wireless that is linked to the tv’s games, and google home. I have used MOCA adaptors to move the internet to a second location in a different room for it to be hard wired to a second wireless router to take traffic off the main network. the thought was to move most of the smart home wifi devices over to this over time and split some of the traffic.
You have two routers, yes? yes two routes.
Are they connected to each other and how? no i haven’t done that, have been looking at that as a wifi extender but haven’t done it based upon my comments above.
How do the routers access the WAN (internet)? The primary is through the ISP, the second is through a MOCA that if fed from the Primary
Each individually or does one of them act as the primary? see above.
How do you open the iHost interface page? On the network i have it linked to i use the interface page
Do you type in the IP address or the hostname? i’ve tried the IP address on the primary network and it doesn’t open same with the host name. both work on the router i’ve initially set it up one.
Do you use the app on your phone or eWeLink Web in your computer browser? computer browser so far, linked ewelink to update the firmware to 2.0. Tried to pair it last night but it wouldn’t pair to ewelink (i’m sure i did something wrong).
Please correct me if I have misunderstood anything. By MoCA you mean adaptors in a home network that can adapt an Ethernet cable to a coax cable and then back to an Ethernet cable, right? You have a primary router that works as an internet gateway and to which a second router is connected via MoCA adaptors. There is a DHCP server running on the first router which assigns IP addresses on your network. The second extends the home network as an IP client and uses an existing internet connection. It receives an IP address from the main router. Is this what it looks like?
If the main router is also a DHCP server and the second router gets an IP address from the main router, you have one LAN. I asked you specifically about that earlier and you confirmed my assumption. Now you mention two separate networks. What is it like in the end? Do you know or don’t you know?
there is one ISP based wireless modem and router, then i used the MoCA to get an ethernet cable to a different area of the house, plugged that into a second wireless router.
this is all relatively new to me (as i’m sure you can tell by now). i may not be as clear as i could/should be.
@ward A diagram/drawing would be helpful, indeed. However, we still do not know in what role the second router operates. For if it is connected as an IP client with DHCP and NAT running, we are indeed dealing with two separate networks. Such a configuration is of course inefficient and pointless in a home network, but nevertheless possible. This would explain why the iHost interface is not available when the device is connected to another router.
I concur a diagram would assist in this, as even through this conversation I’ve identified a few mistakes I have made in the set up of my network and need to change it.