Firmware update TRVZB from iHost

With the latest iHost update I am able to update the TRVZB firmware but it says it is something like “2360”: is this correct? Also the device control panel looks the same on the TRVZBs I have updated: maybe after the last one is done I can reboot the iHost and it will appear? Or maybe I am looking in the wrong place.

After completion of the update when I go back it says the current firmware is 1.2.1 rather than 2360. Also I found the use external sensor option. I had expected it to be on the main page and didn’t look in settings at first. It only sees one of my T/H sensors though. My guess is it restricted to Sonoff ones. I bought some others before Sonoff increased the battery size because they take two AA batteries. I understand why only Sonoff T/H sensors are allowed because most T/H sensors don’t allow the update frequency to be changed and it could be anything. I have a permanently powered T/H sensor for example that updates way more often than any battery one. I’m not sure I’ve noticed that the non-Sonoff ones update less frequently though, but maybe there are awful ones out there. Not sure this is the best policy though. Also virtual T/H sensors aren’t on the list. That definitely doesn’t make sense as by the time a virtual T/H sensor has been created they take the responsibility for it not working. A user with a T/H sensor that looks okay but works badly is going to blame you: could you perhaps add non-Sonoff sensors if the update enough? That seems like something you could automate by finding the maximum update frequency and maximum temperature change between updates.