Ewelink app sharing device error

Hi all

I am having a hard time sharing my device to other ewe link account. every time I share my device to other account this error always show " Sharing cannot be done due to device security protection" does anyone here know how to pass through from this error?

Could you send me with your eWeLink account and shared user’s eWeLink account via PM?

hi petergogo do you have any email?

No luck:( I sent you the email just now. Please check it out and I’m here to assist.

I have the same problem. did you find the solution?

Friend… You need to start providing more information than just that it doesn’t work in multiple threads.

Do you have the latest version of ewelink app?
Are you using a paid plan?
What device exactly?
How do you share the device, ewelink user or WhatsApp?
Do you use any automation system?
Have you reported a problem through the app or created a support ticket?

I checked on my two devices and I can easily share them via ewelink user. So it’s hard to guess the cause of your problem.

Try removing authorization and starting over.
Profiles / Icon in the upper right corner / eWeLink Account / Cancel Authorization

Dear Morgan,
I have latest ewelink version 5.0.1
I’m using a free accout
I’m not able to share any device from my account macanto@live.it to another account primiceli@hotmail.com
here you can find some of my device ID
ID: 10018df56d
ID: 1001e22855
ID: 1000e4110f
ID: 1001090b73

I tried to share my devices with both option with the same result
I do not have an automation system for all devices
I have only created this ticket
I already tried to remove the authorization and starting over, but without any result

Thanks a lot for your support

The latest version is probably 5.1.0, but I doubt it will affect your problem.

It seems that it may be an error on the ewelink infrastructure side…

Unfortunately, as an ordinary user, I am not able to help here. :frowning:
I suggest creating a ticket or sending appropriate feedback via the ewelink app. On the forum you may not receive official help quickly or at all… it varies, so in case of serious problems you should always use official support channels.

I recommend creating a ticket in English with the above information and reporting this matter to support.

Launch the app and go to Profile / Help & Feedback / Feedback / Submit Feedback
or… 📣 Please raise your ticket via the help center if help needed

@yitie @StephenJ @Teki

Was there a resolution to this problem?

We have just had our gate automated & tried to share on eWeLink, but failed with the same message. Even the installer couldn’t work it out.

I experience the same issue. We have a new gate engine installed. All the neighbors can open the ‘share device’ link sent by Whatsapp, but I get an error message.
I have a iPhone 15 Pro, with latest updated and running latest version of Ewelink.

The message states: “Sharing cannot be done due to device security protection”.

I’ll start a support ticket.

Got both accounts registered under the same country code? Just a heads-up, due to consideration of data security, you can only share devices if they’re in the same region.