eWeLink app issues with firmware updates

I have seen the new feature with the external sensor after firmware update 1.2.1, but it has never worked! NEVER. the firmware update in the APP is standing always at 99%.
today i do not see the new feature anymore in the TRVZBs, but the firmware is standing by 99% after 14 days. in EWELINK-WEB looks like all OK.
good job EWELINK. :frowning:

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I have 4 Sonoff TRVZB’s all on firmware 1.1.5 connected to Bridge Ultra, Firmware 1.2.1 update shows as available on ewelink WEB but NOT on ewelink app. When I start the updates on ewelink web, i just get “upgrading please wait”. And the ewelink app just says 1.1.5 is the latest version.2024-10-12T23:00:00Z

The same is everywhere. The Web version has bugs and/or is not fully developed/tested. Whatever it is, the problem is know and already reported. No action followed, unfortunately.

I could and did. The change is that the upgrade offer is gone and has remained so since Saturday. In eWeLink Web it invariably and consistently figures as an update available. Of course, once initiated, it does not end even after several hours. But we have known about this affliction of eWeLink Web for a long time. I tried it with the (meagre) hope of success :slight_smile:

Thx for trying, I noticed there were similar issues with TRVZB, I’m gona merge them to a new topic. As the OP’s issue has been solved.

hey @jam3 @ryanjonathan @erich.scheilko

We did not spot related informatrion from the log. Do you mind sharing some screenshots or recording?

You can blur personal information or send them via direct message to me.

Many thx!

No change in 24 hours

The change is that eWeLink Web to my surprise displayed this message:

So far, none of the updates started have finished. That is, the same as for other users. I don’t know if this can be called progress.
As for the eWeLink App, the update after logging out and logging back in is no longer reported at all.

The APP shows after 14 days “99% Firmware-Actualisation” in a blue field.
In EWELINK WEB it seems to be ok and the firmware is 1.2.1
The new field for the external sensor was visible a view days, but the external sensor could not be saved.
After a view days the new field is not visible.
thats all.

Hey guys, @jam3 @erich.scheilko @ryanjonathan
First of all, we apologize for the confusion this has caused.

We’ve worked with the SONOFF team to identify the current issue, based on our findings, there was a missing mechanism in the WEB that led to showing available updates that were not actually successful.
To avoid further confusion, we will temporarily disable the Zigbee device update prompts on the WEB. A complete fix will be rolled out in the version scheduled for early November. In the meantime, please rely on the update notifications in the app.

Additionally, the SONOFF team has also posted the TRV changelog here for your reference.【TRVZB】Firmware Changelog

BTW, I’m open to further discussing ZigBee firmware updates mechanism with you guys, if you’re interested.

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Good thing, because the ZBMINIR2 update, for example, has stalled. Supposedly version 1.0.2 is available but it disappeared from the App and has not returned. This happened after following the recommended steps by Sonoff help to log out and log back in. This is presumably not a particularly significant update, but it appears that the distribution of patches is now going worse than it used to.

Hey, long time no see! How’s it going?

Yeah, I heard there was a gray-scale release for the new ZBMINIR2 firmware (V1.0.2) back on September 29th, but it didn’t go so smoothly. The optimization process should be complete by now, and the full release has been rolled out.

The whole firmware release process could definitely be smoother though. I’ll chat with a few teams and see how we can make it better.

Not bad at all. Thanks for asking. Cheers! :raising_hand_man:

It is indeed! The ‘grey-scale’ update (whatever that means) has definitely headed in the wrong direction. Please don’t do this way again, because it makes no sense.

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Is there any workaround to get the 99% issue away?