i had a hard time to activate my wifi led. but the automatization is way harder. in the protocol ewelink says that tasks failed. what can i do?
i simply want the light turn on at night and go off by day.
i had a hard time to activate my wifi led. but the automatization is way harder. in the protocol ewelink says that tasks failed. what can i do?
i simply want the light turn on at night and go off by day.
i think i solved it with fix times (8:30 am OFF and 4 pm ON). i donât like this solution especially in summer
hi, ich verstehe nicht, warum sie fĂŒr diesen einfachen task eine Szene setzen? so etwas macht man doch ĂŒber einen Timer, auĂer sie möchten bei Sonnenuntergang einschalten und bei Sonnenaufgang ausschalten, dafĂŒr habe ich eine automatische Szene gesetzt funktioniert bei uns auch wunderbar, aber ich kann natĂŒrlich nicht fĂŒr den E14 LED WiFi sprechen, - ich habe andere switches: basic, RF und S20 mit denen das alles wunderbar funktioniert
muss die ewelink App im Hintergrund laufen? die ganze Zeit?
PS bei deutscher Spracheinstellung: unten links âHomeâ, das zu schaltende device wĂ€hlen, unten links ZEITPLAN, wo sie acht verschiedene SchaltvorgĂ€nge pro Tag definieren können.
habe seit vielen Jahren in mehreren Wohnungen sonoff GerÀte im Einsatz und inzwischen funktioniert das mit evelink ausgezeichnet bin nur in dieses Forum heute gekommen, weil gestern ein Fehler aufgetreten ist bei einem Timer der vermutlich mit der Zeitumstellung zu tun hat
lieben GruĂ aus Wien
PS allerdings kann ich nicht fĂŒr die Apple Version sprechen, da ich ein ĂŒberzeugter Android User bin
the option with âscheduleâ also ZEITPLAN is the only solution which works so far. i have set up 7 AM to 7 PM the lamp has to be OFF. this works but i donât like this solution at all. it should use the time of sunset and sunrise. but it doesnât work.
Can you take a screenshot of your sunrise/sunset scene specific configuration page for me to judge, maybe I can help you with it
It seems that there is no problem with your scene configuration logic. What is the reason for the execution failure shown in the scene log?
Generally speaking, maintaining a good network connection on the device is a necessary prerequisite for the execution of cloud scence.
i donât get it why schedule works but scene doesnât.
i have to admit that scene works a few minutes as i have tested it but after some hours it doesnât work anymore.
very confusing. without schedule nothing works and scenes have a crazy error protocol
Please provide me with your eWeLink account and I will help you locate the cause of the failure.
i put the scene from sunset to sunrise to POWER ON (maybe someone can help me because of the settings in the pic, they are confusing me)
and i also put a schedule from 7 PM to 7 AM to POWER ON. if scene doesnt work, schedule will do it. for summer the schedule its a good choise but for winter i have to adjust it sadly.
update2025-01-29: wanted to change the wifi be deleting the lamp/device and reconnecting it with new wifi. had to shutdown and enable the light at least once, otherwise it would be still offline. maybe this will help âŠ
@songal Plz check the follow-up