I have 4 SONOFF S40TDP smart plug with power monitoring. When I download 1 csv file after the other, this is what I get…see pic below…
Note that the 4 files are different lengths. They should all be the same length. It look like data from the end of the first file is added to the end of the next file and so on.
Some background on past issues, since it may be related to the csv problem. I installed the devices on December 2, 2023. All was good until the date change from February 29 to March 1, 2024, then the data got scrambled. Data from January 4, 2024 to Feb 29, 2024 went to all 0,0s and data appeared from before I even had the devices. October 1, 2024 to December 1, 2024. (The data that appears in this date range, belongs in the January 4, 2024 to Feb 29, 2024 range, according to my manually recorded records)
Here is a pic showing the tail of the csv files are different lengths. (Should be same length)
I uploaded the 4 csv files and a spreadsheet with the csv files imported side by side.
I have these support tickets open, 205308 and 202914 but posting here due to little to no response. This is a difficult issue to get somebody to understand.
I record the data from these smart plugs daily because I’m not sure I can trust them but…I HAVE to download the csv files on the first of each month because the trend in the app doesn’t scroll back through months, I have to download the csv files to get the numbers for the 31st of previous month.
I wish the graph could scroll back a few months, at least.
When your data gets messed up once, it makes you wary.
Remember…I did not install these 4 smart plugs until December 2, 2023. Yet there is data showing from before that.
I hope somebody that can resolve this once and for all, reads it
I’m adding a pic of what the history trend looks like since the February 29, 2024 date change data scramble. Note the data bars showing for October, November…before I got the smart plugs on December 2, 2024.
Also, take note of the “Today run time”. It has been 1 hour off since the switch to Atlantic daylight time.
Phone time is 6:07…Today run time is 5h7min.
Just wanted to point out that it can get a little confusing when looking at the csv data for the 4 devices. Two of the devices have a lot of 0,0’s recorded that are real because they are sometimes off for long periods.
In the spreadsheet of the imported csv data that I attached, the first 2 columns are pretty much always on, the devices displayed in last 2 columns can be off for long periods
The data length for All 4 csv files should be exactly the same since they are all the same date range.
In another thread, I had mentioned the monthly trend shifting to the right 1 day after 12am until 1am passes since the time changed to Atlantic Daylight time. I haven’t noticed it happening lately. I think someone may have set the bar graph to be always forced to the left.
Again, thanks for looking at these issues.
Looking through my records, I found this a reply I had made to ticket 202914, that maybe nobody paid attention to. It shows what happened to the data and how it got shifted in all 4 devices on February 29/March 1 2024. The database could be corrected it you move the data as detailed.
I figured it out…can it be corrected…did it happen to the data of others?
Could you pass this information to an analyst or technical team to see if there is a remedy?
Thanks for looking in to this!
The data is not lost, the dates are shifted. I started using the smart plugs on December 2 2023. Yet the app yearly trend and the CSV files downloaded show data recorded in October and November 2023. For instance…
In the history.csv the October 5 2023 data is actually the data for December 2 2023
In the history.csv the January 3 2024 data is actually the data for February 29 2024.
The data shown in the history.csv file for October 24 and 25 repeated for some reason (I deleted the October 25 data.)
The data matches up with the daily numbers I entered in to my spreadsheet.
Can the database on the ewelink server be corrected?
The data contained in history.csv has been correct since March 1 2024.
I wonder how this happens? Perhaps a programming error related to February 29 being a leap year?
I have 4 of these S40 smart plugs, all have this same data shift issue.
Device id’s are 1001804674, 1001803033, 1001803057, 10017fef9f (the last 2 will have lots of 0’s because they don’t turn on every day)
Here is a list of the spreadsheet data vs the history.csv file for device id 1001804674.
For some reason 2023 10 24 and 2023 10 25 were duplicates, I deleted 2023 10 25 and the number line up perfectly.
On ticket 202914, I was told that my 4 devices sent the 0’s. No, the way I see it, It was the system that somehow inserted the 0’s into the database on February 29/March 30 2024., while moving the real data to October/November 2023.
I’m just adding things here, as I remember them, for completeness.
Our team set up a test environment to reproduce the issue you’ve met, and until now, all works flawlessly, we will continue to monitor the case from the end of April to May.
My thought on the data corruption is it may not be seen when a normal month changes. This case may be related only to coding around Leap year date change (29 days in February instead of 28). So may not show up again for next 4 years and the data corruption (entering 0’s) may not happen again until then. Remember, your system generated data dated from before I set up the 4 devices. On leap year the data somehow got padded with 0’s, bumping my real data to before the devices existed.
Any thoughts on the downloaded CSV files getting longer after each device file is downloaded. All files should be same length, since they all encompass the same date range.
A suggestion, make the app able to scroll backwards, through available data, by months in history. The data is there, it is in the CSV’s I download.
A new problem, just discovered, I can’t download CSV files for my devices anymore. I last downloaded CSV files last month,
I cleared app cache, still no CSV files downloaded. The app gets stuck trying to create a file but I can’t see the whole file name. I deleted all previous CSV files from Downloads, still no file is saved. Since I can’t scroll back months, I need to download al the CSV files so I can get data for the last day of previous month, April 30 in this case, right now, I won’t be able to do that.
This problem is growing.
I set a reminder on my phone so I could get the data from devices before the day changed at 12:00am Atlantic daylight savings time so that I didn’t miss the data for April 30, since the app doesn’t allow to scroll back by month AND now I can’t download CSV files to read the data from that…
Well something has changed alright…at 11:52 ADT the device run time shows 2h30m. (Device was on full day).The device thinks it’s in a time zone that the time has already passed 12:00am, 2h30m ago. My device is obviously not following my local time zone. Last month the run time was off 1 hour, now off 2h30m. Note that the graph is not showing data for all days of April.
On the yearly graph, 24/3 should be 311.6 and 24/4 should be 175.9. Oddly those look like the displayed values for 24/1 and 24/2.
What the actual monthly data on the yearly graph should be…
The device didn’t exist in 23/10 or 23/11. The graph values for the months I have had this device should be 23/12 = 458.9, 24/1 = 641.8, 24/2 = 467.0, 24/3 = 311.6, 24/4 = 175.9
Take note of just how wrong the displayed data on the Yearly graph is…
(I am positive my monthly numbers are correct because I record the daily numbers to a spreadsheet)
All 4 of the SONOFF S40TDP smart plug with power monitoring that I own have this same data problem.
After phone time passed 1am ADT the run time reset.
Here is pic at 1:37 showing runtime of 37min. Monthly Data on Yearly graph is still mixed up.
No change in Yearly trend after2:30am ADT.
If you look back in the thread you will se what the Yearly trend looked like last month compared to now.
I placed April and May yearly trend screenshots, for same device, from EWlink side by side to make it more apparent what happened to data on May 1. This is second time this corruption has happened to all 4 of my S40 devices.
So many outstanding issues with these SONOFF S40 smart plugs with power monitoring. They are not fit for use if the data integrity can’t be trusted.
See in pic…Data for some months disappears, some months Data suddenly appears on May 1.
Keep in mind…My S40 devices were not installed until December 2, 2023 but EWlink yearly graph has data displayed for October and November…how is that even possible?
Has there been any progress or update on resolving any of these issues.
I submitted feedback through the eWeLink app for each ongoing issue but they are still in pending status.
I’m really not sure if it is understood why the data corruption issues I’m having every couple of months with eWeLink and SONOFF S40 smart plugs is important.
I hope this graphic is viewed and understood by someone that understand how the data is stored and accessed from the server and can provide a solution to stop the corruption from happening.