Compatible 12v RGBW LED controller?

Does anyone know of a 12v RGBW LED controller that connects to Ewelink, and ideally has a microphone for having the lights go with music?

It doesn’t ring a bell at first; maybe some Matter alternatives?

I use the matter zemismart ZML3 Driver. I use the hub matter smartthings station and I am happy.

You won’t find it with a music function for ewelink.

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How’s your experience with it in eWeLink?

Using ZML3 in ewelink is still problematic when using the hub matter nspanel pro. Because nspanel pro is still a beta version, it is very unstable.

What’s the primary issue?

We are working to stabilize it for a better experience.

on nspanel pro the main problem is that matter devices are offline.

Yes, you can use the Zigbee MOES RGB white / warm white controler. It has 5 outputs RGB + Cold White + Warm white. 6 amps per output limited to 16A for the entire device. It works with Tuya, ewelink and Philips Hue bridge. Very versatile:

I use those in my projects whenever I need to drive white LED strips due to lack of a suitable product from Sonoff.

Hope this helps.

Hi Mario, I have a question for you, when you use this MOES rgb controller, how do you pair with sonoff system? Are you using a Zigbee Bridge Pro?

Thanks in advance!

Yes, it works with legacy ZB Bridge, ZB Bridge Pro and iHost. It does not work yet on ZB Bridge Ultra

Thanks!!! I was frustated because I coudn´t find any RGB controller for My pool Lights.


I’m new here and using the Sonoff Zigbee Bridge Ultra. I’m trying to find an RGBW (or similar) controller, like the one you mentioned, that would be compatible with the Bridge-U.

To give some context, my main goal is to have a controller that works with both eWeLink and Apple Home (via Matter compatibility, which is why I chose the Bridge-U).

Do you know of any controllers that fit the bill? If not, would I need to get another bridge to achieve this? If so, any recommendations would be greatly appreciated!


Hi, unfortunatelly Bridge U is much more limited regarding third party zigbee devices compatibility compared to Bridge-P and do not know of any other zigbee RGB controller that works there.

Though it may be an option to use a WiFi L2-C RGB controller via Bridge U local WiFi discovery feature, but trying that alternative and although it detects many other WiFi Sonoff devices to expose in the Matter Gateway, L2 controllers are not yet discovered.

Only alternative I see so far it to use iHost In that way you have many ways to achieve homekit compatibility. I found iHost is the device that gives broader homekit support so far.

  1. Run ewelink bridge to pull all your ewewlink devices into iHost and use iHost Matter gateway to expose all iHost devices into Matter and add iHost as an Apple Homekit gateway

  2. Run ewelink bridge similar to the option above and install homebridge plugin that exposes
    most of your ihost devices directle as a homekit compatible device.

  3. Have not tested yet, but you can teorically run home assistant within iHost and run HACS+SonoffLAN+homekit plugins

Hope this helps !

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I really really appreciate your reply!

Do you own the sonoff Ihost? If so, could i privately message you, i want to make an informed decision before buying another product which is near the point of a glorified door stopper for me LOL.

And i feel you have a really great way of explaining things so i have this big tendency to trust you.