ZigBee SNZB-02D update firmware

There is a new update from 1.0.9 to 2.2.0 available for the thermometer ZigBee SNZB-02D update.
It took nearly 5 hours to update 3/3 devices.
Recommendation: update one device at the time, waiting for the confirmation of the update done, before updating an other one.
ake sure that your battery is new; updates takes time and seems to drain your battery; mine (new), last 8 days after an update, from 100% to 24%. :sob:

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What is the functionality of the new firmware ?


It is suppose to repair general performance and existing bugs. :roll_eyes:

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The main problem is that the update procedure for this device doesn’t work at all. We kindly ask the eWelink team to look into this issue.


The update doesn’t work in iHost!

same problem too ! And finally with 6 devices and 5 hours for each one it will take too long to update them. Maybe there is a problem (bug) with the update software itself.

No way to update my five SNZB-02D, The firmware update (one by one) always end up in failing!
Don’t know why…

Placing the sensor near my Zbridge Pro worked for me. I had three failed updates before! Place the sensor close to your bridge and it will update in 20 minutes or so. No battery percentage during the update.

Mine failed 3 times before I read “REMOVE and REINSERT the battery”. After this, it successfully updated.

BTW I have a question regarding changing the temp from Celsius to Fahrenheit. It came with Celsius as the default temp, so I changed it to F since that’s what’s used in the USA. And it properly showed the temp in F on the display. But when I integrated the sensor with Google Home, it only shows in C, even though the default weather setting is F. Anyone else experiencing the same issue? Any solution?

PS. Sorry for my ignorance, but how the heck do I post a new topic (question) here? :unamused:

I also have been apparently unable to update firmware. Or maybe it has upgraded but device fails to correctly report that upgrade has succeeded. Because the app still reports “Current Version: 2.0.0” I kept trying to upgrade as requested by the app.
Here is what I tried. Moved sensor very close to Sonoff Panel Pro. Started upgrade from eWelink app. Started upgrade from within Sonoff Panel Pro menu. All several times. Tried removing and reinstalling battery (3.07V) which app reports as “Medium” (orange) charge. Tried installing new battery (3.19V) which app also reports as “Medium” (orange) charge. No matter what I did, upgrade from v2.0.0 to 2.2.0 remained stuck at “0% Firmware updating”. And then returns without notifying success or failure to the screen with a request to “Upgrade Now”. The more I think about it, the more I believe that the firmware has indeed upgraded but the app fails to correctly report version level and therefore keeps nagging me to upgrade!

Since Dec 10, 2024, date of the last update 2.2.0, I had to change three time my CR2450 battery. It is not normal that a device (ZigBee SNZB-02D) that use to have a battery that last nearly one year, now can’t last more then ten days.

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Did you report this issue to Sonoff?

It seems that the device was left on pairring mode, after the last update. This could be the reason of over consuming the power of the battery. Futur will tell! :shushing_face: