Zigbee bridge ultra Scenes

I updated one of my systems from Bridge-P to Bridge Ultra, now all my scenes are extremle slow. Some can take 4-5 sec for any reaction when i go in to a room. Why is that? I thought that the Ultra supposed to be much faster. I have the latest firmware on all my devices.


We did not reproduce the issue at first, so more info is needed.

Can you plz submit feedback on the eWeLink app, selecting the Ultra to share logs with us?

Many thx

Hello, the problem is with 06p which detects people very slowly, the strange thing is that those closest to the bridge go slowly but those further away go relatively fast, could it have something to do with the “router” function in it? if I switch back to bridge P it works as usual, also feel that scenes in ihost are a bit slower than if I run them via HA with the same hardware.

Sometimes I can go in to the bathroom and the lights don’t turn on for 3-5 sec, basic scene.

I have 3 different system at different places, bridge P / Ultra and iHost so very easy to compare

From what I read here on the forum, I am not alone with these problems. Kinde regards