Hi there, bought an off brand 4channel switch with wifi and got it all working but it is interfering with my roller shutter via wifi stopping it from opening and losing with my phone and my remotes. I was told that I need to be able to set its Ip address which I can’t with my one. Does the sonoff allow this?
Someone has told you rubbish. The cause is certainly different.
for someone so certain your response is oddly vague.
You bought a product from an unknown manufacturer with an unknown level of compatibility with ewelink. In addition, you have some unspecified roller shutters that are supposed to be in conflict.
Where’s anything related to Sonoff / eWeLink?
Provide accurate device data, environment, scenes, diagrams… At the moment, the question is so random and general that there is nothing to answer.
Can it be any different when the description of the problem is what it is? Read @morgan comment. I do not need to add any more.