Two sensors for our ihost

I have tested these two sensors for the ihost and they work perfectly, water leak and fire sensor.
I leave you the link of the two sensors for those who need them.


HEIMAN HS1SA-E!EUR!19.58!16.05!!!21.03!!%402103835c17032774172271373e940a!12000032226916795!sea!ES!713792645!&curPageLogUid=44tkdM7N66G7


Hello the second link isnt working

Sorry they have eliminated the product on aliexpres, I leave you the product from the official website, the model would be Heiman HS1SA

is this the same product?!EUR!31.66!25.33!!!34.26!!%402101efeb17040127090167410e9299!12000036695524479!sea!GR!2370064355!&curPageLogUid=DWo4TuaGJIKZ

It is the HS1SA-E, HS1SA-EF I cannot say that it works, ask if you made a mistake when entering the model.

Es el HS1SA-E, HS1SA-EF no te puedo decir que funcione, pregunta si se ha equivocado al poner el modelo.

I have a random cheap one I got from Aliexpress and it works. I have a Carbon Monoxide Sensor that doesn’t and I use with Zigbee2MQTT. Even if it’s a different one and you’ve already bought it I would test in anyway. That’s already more than double what I paid.