Sonoff Zigbee vibration, smoke and gas detector sensors

We urgently need official Sonoff vibration, smoke and gas sensors that work with iHost and Zigbee Bridge Pro/Ultra. RF sensors are not a topic.


and are there any unofficial ones?

I think there are officially eWeLink compatible smoke sensors already even if Sonoff don’t make one themselves and my Zigbee smoke (not officially eWink) sensor attaches to an iHost. The CO alarm doesn’t (or didn’t when I tried).

I would like to know which ZB sensor is supported in the ewelink application.

Yes, you have right. SmartWise Zigbee smoke sensor is recognized without problems by iHOST (recognized and fully supported) and with Zigbee Bridge Pro (recognized but not supported at this moment), but not yet with Zigbee Bridge Ultra. Aqara Vibration detectors works with Sonoff R1/R2 bridges. For compatible gas detectors I have no information.


it can be seen that the support from the ewelink application and the web should be improved. it’s nice that some devices are supported by iHost, but other variants are not.

from each sensor and device you have several options for Tuya, but for ewelik you are happy for one model and often not even that. there is something to work on, fingers crossed

@SONOFF-Staff please check out the new product proposals :point_up_2: