Thr320 doesn't show as Thermostates

Hi everyone

I have a problem where I have installed THR320 and they doesn’t show up as Thermostates, so when they are connect to Nspanel or Nest, they show up as switches someone nows where this problem is coming from and how to solve it?

In Thermostates here:

Hi there

THR3 is Smart Temperature and Humidity Monitoring Switch. You need to match the corresponding sensor to display the temperature and humidity. Like SONOFF MS01.
You can know more about it here: TH Elite - SONOFF Official


I have a sensor installed on them, but what i want to do is to control to thermostate funktion on the panel, so i can set temp right there and turn on off if needed over the day. but the TH, isn’t showing up in the thermostate panel, so i need to make a screens to control when it’s going on and off.
I want to like this How To Set Up the Thermostat Function on SONOFF NSPanel? - YouTube