Hello, I have the same problem with my King-Q4_EEW curtain switch and I find out that you have to set the open and close time on the switch himself, if you read the manual you should see how to do that.
Dear Daniel
Please let me know if it possible to add reverse button in order to link single button with curtain so when it on it will roll up when off it will stop and if it on again it will reverse (down)
On other words link other device button to act like S1 in dual r3
I suggest that you can use M5 (eWeLink Remote Gateway) with R5 (Controller) as a remote control for your curtain.
So you can use the single press, double press, and long press to define up, down, and stop respectively.
I still think the reverse ON/OFF state is a very useful option, even with R5 (Remote+Controller), and I would really like to see it happening.
Having single/double/long presses offered with R5 does sound like a very neat solution, though I personally have issues from time to time with a single RF remote click not being spotted all the time (10-15% of attempts do not get triggered), and then I need to repeat my wanted action.
The reverse action will make it more complicated for the curtain operations, you can not expext the curtain will go up or down if you press the single button. So I strongly recommend you use the R5 to define what you need for a better experience.
No no, this is misunderstood.
The reverse does not mean changing direction but switching between states, e.g:
reverse on the UP channel will turn ON or OFF the motor if the previous state was OFF/ON respectively
the same goes with a DOWN channel, where the only relation with the UP channel is to turn OFF the UP channel if it is ON- interlock behavior that already exists - so it prevents the motor to burn down
With a single button on the remote, the idea is to control a single direction only by switching between ON/OFF states with the REVERSE action.
And to control both UP/DOWN directions, two buttons on the remote shall be used, of course.
I am not advocating for this behavior completely - only for the part of the ON/OFF REVERSE behavior for a single channel.
Having an automatic channel switch between UP/DOWN and ON/OFF for each of them with a single button does sound like a complex behavior, and I do not request for it.
Yes, exactly like this.
This same is supported in Sonoff light switches with one/two/three buttons,and in 4CHR3 (Pro) - they have 4 options in Scenes actions - ON/OFF/KEEP/REVERSE.
Having the same 4 options in Scenes for Dual R3 and Curtain/Blind switches would be awesome.