Sonoff ürünleriyle ewelink üzerinden kullanabileceğim akıllı kilit

Merhabalar herkese iyi çalışmalar sonoff ve ewelinkle çalıştıra bileceğim akıllı kilit var mı önerebileceğiniz Zigbee protokolü ya da matter protokollü acil destek lütfen

Locks to work with Sonoff and eWeLink? I don’t think so. Is there any reason why you need to stick with the eWeLink platform? Use Home Assistant and you’ll be fine.

Ev asistanı derken açabilirmisiniz hangi kilitle kastediyorsunuz platform nedir ülkem de sonoff kilitleri yok

Home Assistant is a home automation platform. Different from eWeLink and open-sourced. Many Zigee locks of various brands work with Home Assistant. Sonoff does not manufacture locks at all. There are none.

Bu uygulamayı indirdim ama sunucu seçmem isteniyor bu nedir

Before you do something, do some thinking. Read the documentation and reflect on whether you can do it. The forum is not the place for training and detailed explanations.
Home Assistant OS is not an application, it is much more than that. You have not written how you applied HA. Do you want me to guess? Your best bet would be to seek out someone proficient in the subject locally.

Tamam şuan anladım ben ihost cihazına entegre edeceğim

Integrating HA with iHost will not get the job done, as HA is then running in docker mode. The options necessary to support Zigbee devices cannot be run in this mode.