Hi all, i have quiet a few Sonoff temperature sensors via a couple of Sonoff bridges. All works fine.
However, over the last couple of days the eWeLink app shows no history for any of them. The all stopped recording at 1600 yesterday and recorded only a couple of data points today. Its exactly the same time periods for all the sensors.
I’m unclear on how it gets this data. Is it stored on the servers or recorded to the local apps data every hour?
Any ideas most welcome as without the history i get no min/max info 
The history data of TH origin and TH Elite is stored in the cloud. We’d suggest you raise a support ticket via eWeLink App > Profile > Help&Feedback > Feedback. Our support team will help locate the issue first. Thank you.
My sensors have same isue but for different period of time, below is hour history for yesterday:
Thank you for the feedback. Please report it to our support team, too.
Hello, i have raised as feedback too but not heard ba k yet.
Generally speaking, our support team will respond in 24 hours, however, it will take longer during weekends.
Me also, reported to support team.
Still no history and still no reply from support?
Starting today April the 23-r from 11:00 GMT+2 I have history again!
My history stops occasionally too.
I have to do a power down reset on the Zigbee bridge for it start recording again.
This issue has been ongoing for me since I bought it around two years ago.
I suspect power supply spikes.
someone knows how to increase the sampling rate ??? It is for brewing beer, let says every minute over 6 hours …
thanks a lot, christophe
Hi there!
We are in need of increasing sample rate to every 30 minutes and automatic export by email out ftp or anything… is this possible?